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Setting up project


The instruction below will guide you through the process of setting up an environment for JS client.

Created structure could look intimidating for a simple project, but its battle tested and extensible if the need arises.

Setting up for frontend

The best way to initialize the project is by using CLI

You can find an installation guide for the Fluence CLI.

Run the command below. The command will create js-example folder with the structured project.

fluence init -t ts --env kras js-example
fluence init -t ts --env kras js-example

Then go to newly created folder

cd ./js-example
cd ./js-example

Now you can place aqua files in src/aqua and compile them via fluence aqua command

Your js files should reside in src/frontend dir.

Go to src/frontend folder and run npm install.

To start your frontend project in dev mode, run npm run dev.

Setting up for Node.js

If you want to run JS client in Node.js:

  • Remove index.html file from src/frontend folder
  • Run npm remove vite in src/frontend folder.
  • Remove vite specific scripts from package.json
  • Install ts-node npm i -D ts-node
  • Add the following script in package.json:
"scripts": {
"dev": "node --loader ts-node/esm index.ts"
"scripts": {
"dev": "node --loader ts-node/esm index.ts"

Now you are ready to go. Use npm run dev to run index.ts file in Node.js