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Remote Data Storage


IPFS is a critical component of the Web3 ecosystem and can be considered distributed "hot" storage as opposed to Arweave's or Filecoin's "cold" storage and a great companion to decentralized, serverless compute. Hence, it shouldn't come as a surprise Fluence Rust peers provide IPFS sidecars as IPFS is used throughout the Fluence stack including service uploads for deployment. Moreover, ...

Aqua IPFS builtins with Aqua bindings.

At this point, only a limited set of the IPFS API has been implemented as builtin services. If you need additional methods, please create a PR or Issue in the Rust peer repo.

Based on the groundwork already done by Fluence including providing an IPFS binary, we'll develop and IPFS adapter and a simple facade module.

Conceptually, ... FFI host import

use marine_rs_sdk::{marine, MountedBinaryResult};
fn main() {}
pub fn ipfs_request(cmd: Vec<String>) -> MountedBinaryResult {
#[link(wasm_import_module = "host")]
extern "C" {
pub fn ipfs(cmd: Vec<String>) -> MountedBinaryResult;
use marine_rs_sdk::{marine, MountedBinaryResult};
fn main() {}
pub fn ipfs_request(cmd: Vec<String>) -> MountedBinaryResult {
#[link(wasm_import_module = "host")]
extern "C" {
pub fn ipfs(cmd: Vec<String>) -> MountedBinaryResult;

for REPl use ...

to be continued

Ceramic ComposeDB

Coming soon.